Thursday, June 27, 2024

Julian Assange and the Struggle for Political Freedom

Julian Assange's heroic but tragic life has taken an unexpected turn for the better with his recent liberation through a plea deal with the US government. It must never be forgotten that the Wikileaks founder was a successful publisher and a prized journalist, and yet was at risk of being extradited to the United States to be charged with espionage and imprisoned for life. Though many people around the world have followed Assange's hardships on and off for more than a decade, the many acts of his sham trial in London highlighted the importance of the struggle for political freedom.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Draghi’s Globalist EU Speech Urges Concentration of Power

A quite revealing speech about the future of the European Union was given in Brussels on April 16, 2024 by Mario Draghi, who some say is slated to become the next president of the EU Commission, replacing scandal-ridden Ursula von der Leyen. Draghi, former Italian PM and former head of the European Central Bank, gave policy recommendations for the future, directly to members of the EU Commission. In light of this year’s elections to the EU parliament, the content of this speech should be exposed, because it epitomizes so much of what is wrong today with the political direction of the European Union.