Thursday, January 23, 2025

The US is "Agreement-Incapable"

In view of what will probably be a year of negotiations - attempted at least - between the United Stated and Russia over the fate of Ukraine and Europe, it is worth remembering that the Americans political leadership is considered today by the Russians as not capable of making agreements.

The Russians have a long but useful word for the incapability of sticking to agreement : “недоговороспособность”, i.e. agreement-incapable. This trait may become a liability for the United States, in possible upcoming negotiation with Russia regarding Ukraine and Europe’s security architecture. It is well known that the Russians’ approach to international relations is “trust but verify” (доверяй, но проверяй). But how is that possible when a duplicitous and false Uncle Sam simply cannot be trusted?

Sunday, January 5, 2025

How the USA Became So Dysfunctional, Oligarchic and Corrupt

Why has the United States’ government become so politically dysfunctional? How can it be that the nation founded on John Locke's principles of liberty and Montesquieu’s concept of separation of powers, today has such a corrupt and oligarchic federal government ? This article will attempt to answer these questions.

Friday, November 29, 2024

The Suffering Beyond Our Horizon

It must be said bluntly – a genocide has been going on in Palestine. Already destitute lives are destroyed by bombs. Innocent children are getting their short lives brutally ended, while wailing women are blown to pieces with tears in their eyes. There is currently no peace and no hope for the Palestinian people.

Yet, in the West we live on as if this reality didn’t exist. We were taught “Never again”, but “Never again is now”.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Real Democracy Can Only Be Freedom

With the advent of representative democracy over a century ago in most of the West, the popular belief was that the “rule of the few” would be relegated to the dustbin of History. This never happened of course, as has become clearer to the “many” over the decades. Indeed, the ruling Western oligarchy has become more visible than before, too brazen in its attempts to ram through its globalist agenda on the world.

The illusion of representative democracy has also been fading as social and economic conditions in the West worsen.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Limits to Public Opinion and the Failure of Democracy

It is not so often admitted, but it is nevertheless the case, that the people can never be successfully represented politically. However, public opinion influences politics, at times even strongly. In all political systems, the ruling minority must take into account, to varying degrees, the public mood as expressed in town halls, polls, elections, demonstrations, and now, social media.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Why Democracy Has Such Staying Power

As has often been noted, « majority rule » in the political sense does not exist in the way it is presented by the dominant institutions of Western so-called “democracies”. The Western public’s resistance to criticism of democracy is therefore remarkable. 

The staying power of representative democracy in the West can be explained as follows. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy

In these politically turbulent times, the ”illusion of democracy is fading worldwide” as one pundit wrote recently. There is a growing sense, in the West, that democracy is not working well, but there is not yet a full and clear recognition of that fact.

Michel Maffesoli, honorary professor at the Sorbonne in Paris, has been saying already for several years, that “the end of the democratic ideal is manifesting itself”. Signs of this can be seen in the problematic elections that have taken place in his native France and other Western countries.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Julian Assange and the Struggle for Political Freedom

Julian Assange's heroic but tragic life has taken an unexpected turn for the better with his recent liberation through a plea deal with the US government. It must never be forgotten that the Wikileaks founder was a successful publisher and a prized journalist, and yet was at risk of being extradited to the United States to be charged with espionage and imprisoned for life. Though many people around the world have followed Assange's hardships on and off for more than a decade, the many acts of his sham trial in London highlighted the importance of the struggle for political freedom.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Draghi’s Globalist EU Speech Urges Concentration of Power

A quite revealing speech about the future of the European Union was given in Brussels on April 16, 2024 by Mario Draghi, who some say is slated to become the next president of the EU Commission, replacing scandal-ridden Ursula von der Leyen. Draghi, former Italian PM and former head of the European Central Bank, gave policy recommendations for the future, directly to members of the EU Commission. In light of this year’s elections to the EU parliament, the content of this speech should be exposed, because it epitomizes so much of what is wrong today with the political direction of the European Union.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The West Needs Radical Political Change Towards Freedom

It should not have escaped the politically aware that the threats to freedom in Western societies are now unprecedented. This goes far beyond the interventionist pressures that over time have been slowly throttling most Western economies. The Western oligarchic elite is now dead set on implementing what one influential blogger described as “a society hermetically sealed against any form of rebellion, dissidence, or questioning of the ruling class-imposed power structure”.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Danger of the Western Public's Neglect of Individual Rights

Though the Western political class constantly criticizes the “authoritarian” nature of certain nations, one should sweep in front of his own door first, to paraphrase Goethe. Indeed, Western nation-states and international institutions have for years been gnawing at the freedom and rights of both individuals and companies.

Firstly, the exorbitant fiscal and inflationary pressures on Western populations should never be considered “normal” or “acceptable”; they are severe violations of property rights in and of themselves. These pressures alone help to explain the economic stagnation and political decadence of Western societies. Additionally, previously unthinkable powers have been given to Western police and security forces, many of them now permanent. Wikileaks and others have revealed the programs of mass-surveillance of entire populations that is practiced by unaccountable Western intelligence agencies.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Western Ruling Elite: Its Development and Its Betrayal

The Western ruling elite has become oligarchic in nature; its political and economic influence is disproportionate and even harmful to society. It is necessary, therefore, to review its historical evolution and expose its current goals.

First of all, it must be recognized that it is natural and necessary for society to have an elite. Murray Rothbard wrote about the ideal of "natural aristocrats", who “live in freedom and harmony with their fellows, and rise by exercising their individuality and their highest abilities in the service of their fellows, either in an organization or by producing efficiently for the consumers.